how to design your career

Bullet Journal Collection Ideas To Find Your Purpose

Bullet Journal Collection Ideas To Find Your Purpose

A list of Bullet Journal Collections ideas to help you find your thing (aka your purpose, your passion etc). I hope you use even just a fraction of these ideas, and hopefully, they’ll inspire you to organize your search for your thing and help you find your passion in life in a new way. Finding your purpose, your passions… should be fun. Enjoy the process!

A Job Loss Sucks, Here's How to Bounce Back Better

A Job Loss Sucks, Here's How to Bounce Back Better

How to recover from losing your job. "I lost my job" are some of the most dreaded words in any language. We’ve all been there. The start-up shuttered. You got yourself fired. Or it was just an out and out unexplained termination. Job loss happens. It can send you into a tailspin. But it also means that you have an opportunity to get another job. A better job. A job you really want.

How to Define Success For Yourself and Set New Goals

How to Define Success For Yourself and Set New Goals

Taking a look at your values and priorities, how will you redefine success for YOURSELF? Success, for you, not based on societal pressures, not based on what you were working towards before, not what you had thought you were ‘supposed’ to be doing - but what would success look like, for you?

How To Design Your Career

How To Design Your Career

With a little intentional thinking and a plan, a new, more fulfilling career can be found. Whether it’s about making a clear plan for job growth in your current role or finding a new role altogether, there are three steps to designing your career path.

6 Ways to Declutter Your Career & Combat Overwhelm

6 Ways to Declutter Your Career & Combat Overwhelm

Feeling more than a little overwhelmed and like you have no control right now?

I hear you - a lot of us are. So how about taking control of just a few daily items that will help quiet that overwhelms and restore some much-needed calm by starting in decluttering your career?

Let’s clear out some career cobwebs and free up more of your time, energy, and brain space so you can make room for clarity.

Just like ANY space (ahem under your bed, or ahem ahem, your closet), your career can become a very cluttered world of its own. Every once in awhile it needs a good dusting and right now is a better time than most. So let's start with 6 main places you wanna declutter your career and clear the dust bunnies from.

No You Shouldn't ‘Follow Your Passion'

No You Shouldn't ‘Follow Your Passion'

No, you shouldn’t ‘Follow Your Passion.’ I’m serious. This idea that you should find, then blindly follow, your ‘passion’ is overwhelming and ultimately unhelpful.

Finding Your Passion looms large. Finding Your Thing is the way to go.

Here's the deal. You know that feeling you've got right now? That "Totally lost, I'm stuck, WTF am I even supposed to do with my career, can't someone just tell me what I'm supposed to be doing?!?" feeling?

Man it sucks doesn't it? I know that feeling, but what you’ve been told, this idea that you ‘just’ need to Find Your Passion’ - it’s not a reasonable goal.

I've been through two major career shifts of my own and I’ve spent years helping clients figure out what their thing is.

The 4 Things YOU Need To Do To Make Major Life Changes

The 4 Things YOU Need To Do To Make Major Life Changes

Are you already feeling overwhelmed by all the “IT’S ALMOST A NEW YEAR!” inspo quotes filling your feed…. annnnnd yet, you do feel like maybe yeah, it is time for a change?

If you wanna change something up, but have no idea exactly what - here are four tried and true ways to get your creative thinking juices flowing.

My Go To Tool For Finding “Your Thing”

My Go To Tool For Finding “Your Thing”

In my work with both my one-on-one and group program clients, there is one consistent exercise I have them all do, no matter what outcome we are working towards.

I have them to keep an “Inspiration Book”.

What I'm asking them to do is to pay attention to what they're paying attention to. What out in the world gets them excited, interested, happy, thoughtful... all of the good stuff. Most of them have come to me because they are looking for a change in their careers. They want to find more meaning and the only way to do that is to do work that aligns with your deep-rooted values, beliefs, and interests.