6 Ways to Declutter Your Career & Combat Overwhelm

Feeling more than a little overwhelmed and like you have no control right now?

I hear you - a lot of us are. So how about taking control of just a few daily items that will help quiet that overwhelm and restore some much-needed calm by decluttering your career?

Let’s clear out some career cobwebs and free up more of your time, energy, and brain space so you can make room for clarity.

Just like ANY space (ahem under your bed, or ahem ahem, your closet), your career can become a very cluttered world of its own.

Every once in awhile it needs a good dusting and right now is a better time than most. Before we get started with 6 main places you wanna declutter your career and clear the dust bunnies from go ahead and grab your free checklist below!


1. Mental 

Everything starts with your mind & mindset so let’s start decluttering with a very important mental exercise:

  • Do a braindump. Write down all those to-dos, ah-has, concerns, nagging wish list items and ideas floating around in your noggin. Once they’re all out on paper, organize, delegate and schedule!

2. To-Do List

Next. Time to tackle that To-Do list. We ALL, every one of us has “danglers” - those items that you just keep adding to the list that gets bumped down and never actually crossed off. 

There is a whole other action of delving into your tasks/role responsibilities list and seeing what you can ditch without getting fired (and sometimes getting promoted because of it) but we’ll save that for another day.

  • Combine/revise any to-do’s that constantly lingers

3. Digital 

This is a no-brainer that I know you know you need to do but it ends up as a dangler on your to-do list. 

  • Unsubscribe from any email/newsletter/promo lists that you don’t engage in and just add to your ‘unread’ inbox

4. Calendar 

Surprisingly, your calendar, which is supposed to keep you organized and on task very often becomes a dumping ground for all sorts of things that pile up and become… clutter. 

  • Delete any notifications, reminders and repeating appointments that you don’t need or pay attention to

5. Resume/LinkedIn

While you may not be considering a new job keeping your ‘sales materials’ up to date, not only keeps your mind on your goals but keeps you ready and prepared for new opportunities!

  • Delete or rework any skills/qualifications/experience/education info that’s no longer relevant to your current career goals or is simply outdated

6. Workspace 

Finally, a little actual physical space decluttering! I’m not a minimalist, or a believer that a ‘cluttered desk leads to a cluttered mind’ but physical clutter can absolutely add to a feeling of overwhelm.

  • Donate those management books your 3rd boss ago gave you for your birthday.

This is just a jumping-off point for each category. If you want a FULL 35 Items to Declutter Your Career to Combat Overwhelm & Take Control grab your free checklist and a full breakdown of each category here!


Yours in clutter-free goodness-