
Visualize Work Not Sucking

Visualize Work Not Sucking

Career fulfillment is a 100% personal concept. Fulfillment doesn’t mean you need to wake up every day with hearts and rainbows in your eyes about your job, but it does need to mean that you get true satisfaction from it - beyond a paycheck. What is fulfilling for one person could be a nightmare for another so you will need to define what “fulfillment” means -  for you.

How to Hire a Career Coach (and Why You Might Not)

How to Hire a Career Coach (and Why You Might Not)

Why the hell would you hire a career coach? There are a million reasons to hire a career coach: they can offer clarity, direction, motivation, act as an accountability buddy or as someone to metaphorically kick your ass towards your goals. But they’re not for everyone.

Here are 8 times where hiring a career coach just isn’t for you.