career i love

You Chose The Wrong Job, Now What?

 You Chose The Wrong Job, Now What?

One of the recurring fears that I hear a lot of, especially during career changes or when someone is looking for a new job, is “I'm afraid I'll choose the wrong thing.” So I'm here today to tell you what to do when you choose the wrong job.

First of all, you need to take a breather and realize there is no wrong thing! There is no wrong job.

You Need A Support System

You Need A Support System

You need people. We all need people. You need a support system to find your career passion and you are also a support system. Whatever it is, whoever it is- you cannot do anything alone. Nobody is self-made. Sure, you can do - and have done- amazing things in your life or in your career but nobody can do it alone. You have to have a support system to find your thing.

How Does Career Coaching Work?

How Does Career Coaching Work?

While we coaches wish there was a magic wand that only shot out sparkly farts of glittery job happiness - there just isn’t - instead there's this thing. Career Coaching. It IS a thing. A thing everyone should take advantage of. Here’s how career coaching works. If you want to be a coach or get career coaching, here are the basics.

How To Create Career Success This Summer

How To Create Career Success This Summer

It’s time to talk about networking. Yes again! It really is THAT important. It’s summertime and it's beautiful out and there It’s normal for there to be a little dip in your productivity but, here’s the thing: summertime is truly is the best season to network, hands down. If you’re looking for career success and how to network, this is the place.

Find a Career You Love

Find a Career You Love

Quick question. If money wasn’t an object, what would you do for a career?

What was your gut reaction, initial, no over-thinking response? Is it worlds apart from what you do now? Or is it being the bomb ass boss at your current gig? What is it you want to do with your career — really? I know, I know … easier asked than answered. Or … just maybe, deep down you know the answer, but you’re afraid of the answer or you have no idea how to move forward.

Do Your Thing, Your Way Because You Gotta Be You

Do Your Thing, Your Way Because You Gotta Be You

Do your thing in your way because you gotta be you.

To succeed at anything, but especially your career, you have to lean into your youness - be the most you - and do the thing in your own way. There will always be someone who wants the same things in life as you - but nobody can or will do it like you.

Make Money Doing What You Want And Do What you Want With That Money

Make Money Doing What You Want And Do What you Want With That Money

Here’s the secret: when you do work that makes you happy, you make more money. When you make more money, you can use it to support your values.

When you make money doing what you actually want to do, not what societal or familial expects you to want to do, you become your most you. You act in a truly holistic way that honors all of you. When you approach anything that way you come at it with expansive energy (conversely if you do something you don't enjoy that's all about contracting energy).

‘How I Found a Career I Love (Twice) & You Can Too!’ AKA ‘How I Got Here’

 ‘How I Found a Career I Love (Twice) & You Can Too!’ AKA ‘How I Got Here’

Having gone through two major career changes what I've learned is the answer most likely is right in front of you.

Name a job and I’ve done it.

While intellectually I knew I had to make a career change, I just couldn’t give up a job that I loved so much it had been the basis of much of my identity. I was a teacher.

Why You Need to Stop Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Why You Need to Stop Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Do you want to know how to climb the corporate ladder and find success? Why not try not climbing it? What is the difference between the corporate ladder and the corporate lattice and which is for you? Both lattices and ladders exist within companies themselves and within your own career as a larger whole. No matter which path you select, you need to be your own best advocate. You will need to be the one making sure that your goals are being met and that you’re making room for the possibility that plans can and will most likely change.

Career Growth: It's a Mindset Thing

Career Growth: It's a Mindset Thing

I’m a BIG believer in the idea that you can’t move forward until you you really acknowledge where you are right now. This can take some major balls of honesty which is hard for lots of us, because we are SUPER great at lying to ourselves.