How do I know if I'm ready for a Promotion?

Wondering if you’re ready for a promotion?

It’s a question I hear a lot. And the truth is, if you've never take on more responsibility before, leaping into upper management or leadership can seem intimidating.

You’re afraid of not being a good manager, of not knowing how to deal with the C suite or just how to do well… any of it.

It’s completely understandable, too. No one wants to put all that effort in only to hear that you’re not ‘meeting expectations’ at your dreaded employee review. But don’t let that stop you.

Taking on more responsibilities and getting that promotion isn’t just beneficial to that space for a title on your resume, but you’ll make more money and be in a position to mentor other folx who could use your expertise and guidance.

You’ll also boost your overall career satisfaction if climbing that corporate ladder is on your list of goals to get. Definitely don’t let fear keep you from fulfilling your milestone moments!

If you’ve been feeling like you’re ready for that promotion, you probably are getting close! 

To help you decide, today I’m sharing 5 ways to know if you’re ready for your next big move.

This way you can focus on getting that promotion – without worrying if you’re doing it right. (And if you’re not ready yet, you’ll know what you need to do!)

Let’s dig in.

5 Ways You Know You're Ready for a Promotion

Only you can say for sure whether you’re ready for the big next step. As I mentioned above, if it’s been heavily on your mind lately, you’re probably in a good place to start researching your options, at the very least. You may even find that you're more prepared for it than you thought.

To help you decide, here are a few tell-tale signs that show you're more than ready to throw your name in the proverbial ring for that big-time title change. 

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Readiness Sign #1: Other people tell you you're ready

Has someone suggested you try going for the promotion?

This is why it's so helpful to have a support system. You need a personal “board of directors” full of supportive cheerleaders.

When I first started in staffing , I didn't feel I was ready for a step up to the daunting title of “executive” but a coworker sat me down, looked me in the eye and asked “What is the absolute worst that could happen?”

When I couldn’t really answer beyond “I’d embarrass myself” he asked, “Ok but what if it was just fine?” It sounded like he had it all figured out. I know now that nobody really does, but that was sort of his point.

Look at me now, promoted myself all the way to CEO of my own coaching practice and I genuinely couldn’t have done that if I hadn’t taken that first leap.

If you don’t have a support system or network of people to give you feedback, try asking a friend, your mentor, your work bestie. You can even try stepping back and being your own coach. Given the circumstances (and keeping all emotions and fear aside), would you say you’re ready? What would you advise someone else to do if they were in your shoes?

Always trust your gut, friend.

Readiness Sign #2: You feel ready and are craving new adventures

You may not feel it now, but your intuition about whether you're ready to apply for your manager’s job will almost always steer you in the right direction. 

So if you think you’re ready for the big step but struggle with self-doubt, it can be hard to admit that you absolutely are ready. Remember these are just thoughts and not reality. 

Here are a few ways to push past it:

  • First, Picture yourself succeeding. What would it feel like to actually do it? Amazing, right?

  • Next, Imagine the worst-case scenario. How would you handle it?

  • Finally, Picture a time in the past when you felt the same way you do now but overcame it.

Now, chances are none of the bad things you imagine will happen. But planning ahead will make you feel more confident. You’ll push through surviving and start thriving in your new role.

In the words of Glennon Doyle "We can do hard things."


Readiness Sign #3: There’s no other way

Sometimes big decisions come easy because it falls in our lap, our hand is forced or someone else makes it for us.

That can feel be frustrating in the moment, but many times it’s your biggest catalyst to do the thing you thought you couldn’t do.

So when that happens, should you, just go with it? Many times forces are out there larger than you and you really can’t control as much as you’d like.

I had a client who do to yet another restructuring at her company was being promoted to a (in her words) “scary big title.” She wasn’t consulted and didn’t really have a say in the matter. It was happening. 

We got together and talked it out. Instead of focusing in that “scary” sounding moniker, we broke down what her role responsibilities would be and where she felt she would excel and where she might need some support. 

Focusing on the day to day operations of the role and not the title itself allowed her to realize that not only could she do the job, she actually had been doing the job! Of course this was a great thing to know when she went back and said she’d accept the role, with an additional 11% raise over what she was told her new compensation would be. Which she got. (Congrats G!!!)

EB Sanders Creative Career Coach

Other decisions don’t necessarily fall in your lap like magic, it’s more of an “all roads lead to yes” situation. 

If you’ve tried everything else and all fingers point to it’s time for a promotion, it could mean it’s just time. 

Readiness Sign #4: You have already been doing the job

Now that we’ve covered some of the mindset signs that will help you determine if you’re ready for a promotion, it’s time to cover some practical reasons. 

Before you take on the added responsibility, there are some things you’ll need to have done already. It makes little sense to apply for a new role without having already had your hands in the work.

Many organizations will actually require you to have been basically doing the role before it will be officially given to you, while some will at least want you to show that you have the capacity and capability by jumping in on projects at the next level up.

While it might not seem ‘fair’ to be asked to do a role you’re not technically titled to, it’s beneficial to everyone to gauge your readiness and responsiveness. 

Here’s how you’ll know that you’ll be a huge success once the title is officially yours:

#1. You already have ideas about how you’d make your mark in the role

You’ve already thought about what outcomes both you and the team will want to achieve and how you’ll get there. 

You know that pre-planning is the key to success and you’re all about it. You plan on being intentional in your new role.

If you want to know how to do this, I cover it in detail in this post HOW TO BE A GOOD LEADER (AND WHY IT'S IMPORTANT).

#2. You’ve been actively engaged in the responsibilities of the role

What are the main functions of the role? Have you already been doing them in your current role? It’s important to show that the tasks of the next level up are a natural progression to what you’ve been doing now.

You have an understanding of what the actual day-to-day of the role is vs what the job description states.

If you haven’t been involved in any aspects of the new role, it’s time to ask what Learning & Development opportunities may be available to you in preparation.

#3. You have a reasonable appetite for uncertainty

As the saying goes, “The best laid plans…” and all. You can plan away and believe you know what to expect but until you’re in the trenches so to speak there really isn’t a way to know with 100% certainty what will happen or be expected of you. 

You need to be ok with this.

Readiness Sign #5: You have a plan for your first big mistake

Now, I can hear you saying, “You just told us nothing bad was going to happen!”

And that’s absolutely true. Having said that, everyone doing something new  has to have a plan for when they mess up for the first time. Because it’s going to happen! It’s part of the whole process.

Nothing comes easy, right? 

I had a coworker who used to keep the stub of a $30,000 check pinned up in her cubicle. She made an *ahem* very costly mistake on her first big project as a new producer. Did it take some scrambling to fix? Yes. Did she feel like a grade A failure when it happened? No! Because everyone warned her that something like this was going to happen. 

It happens to every body who takes on a big challenge. She kept that check stub up in her cubicle (and then her office when she was promoted) to remind her that mistakes aren’t the issue. It’s  how you handle them that matters.

Here’s what you can do to prepare so you’re ready for it:

  • First, always think about all the ways a project could go sideways.

  • Get in the habit of using some tool, gear, or technique that helps you track all your data so that you can see exactly what works and what doesn’t. (I personally love ASANA)

Remember that it’s not IF you drop a ball, but which ball and when. The first time I staffed a big marketing event in my new role as “exec” I forgot to give a heads up to the manager in charge. You know, the guy who was supposed to be there when it happened. Yup, it meant a 3 hour drive and acting as boots on the ground, but the event happened as planned!

Be ready to provide new solutions when your new team comes to you looking for answers.  You’re now the SMEIC! (That’s Subject Matter Expert In Charge)

Having a plan like this, even if it’s only in your head at this point, will help you pick up those dropped balls and fix your mistakes on the fly.

In addition to this list, I also created a Career Success Workbook to help you get clear on whether a promotion is for you.

Click here to download your free Set Yourself Up For Career Success Workbook now >>

Standing in between you and your promotion: The Doubt Edition

Usually, the biggest thing standing in the way of your wildest dreams isn’t something external. It’s actually self-doubt.

Some common concerns I hear from my clients are:

  • I’ll have no idea what I’m doing

  • I don’t want to disappoint my family if I fail

  • What if I decide to change my mind after it's too late

Does any of that sound familiar?

The best way to clear those concerns up is to take a step back, breathe, and get clear on your “why”. Why do you want to move up the corporate ladder in the first place?

The more clear you are about your Why the better you will understand your personal motivations and priorities.

Standing in between you and a promotion: Real-Life Obstacles

Real-life obstacles are some of the most obvious challenges you’re going to face with climbing anything… Everest… the corporate ladder…

We’ve already covered common obstacles in this post, but you likely will have some challenges that are unique to your situation, resources and physical & mental abilities etc.

The good news is, most of them can be easily (or creatively) problem-solved.

So in addition to what I shared above, I recommend working through each obstacle at a time and brainstorming different ways to overcome them.

And remember, when you’re ready

- you’re ready. 

If you find that you are procrastinating or aren’t really motivated to put in the work, you know that you’re not quite ready to move on up. And that’s okay, just keep setting the stage for it and you’ll get there.

Want some help on figuring out if your time is now? I’m here to help with a deep dive into exclusive and personal one-on-one coaching sessions that lead to a full Career Design Plan and the confidence to execute. We’ll turn your obstacles into opportunities, define your goals and get you set up to achieve them. You can check out the program here. 

Bonus! Extra ways to get ready for career success!

  1. Journal. Seriously. Get in your brain and figure out what you want and why you want it.

  2. Get prepared for that Promotion Interview!


  4. Grab your Career Success Workbook

That’s a wrap!

I hope this post has helped clarify whether you're ready to take your career to the next level.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, remember that even your biggest boss started somewhere. With some prep, planning research and most importantly, self confidence, you too can genuinely reach any goal you set for yourself.

Have a question about anything I covered today? I’m available here, and I also love to see you on social media over at Instagram, TikTok or even LinkedIn where I’m always sharing content to keep you up-to-date on everything happening in careers and the job market.

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Yours in go get ‘em goodness,



EB Sanders | Career Coach for Creative Types

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