New Year, New Work?

how to find new work this year

So, you want to jump ship from your current gig and find new work in the new year? There are a few questions you should ask yourself before you set out on that task.

At the heart of any life-change situation there are a few basic questions that must always be asked to make sure you're headed in the right direction: Who?, What?, Where?, When? and Why?


If you're not satisfied at your current job or profession and are contemplating a change, you should take the time to ask yourself these same questions, or you just might find yourself in the same boat a few months after you just jumped (or a similar boat on the same path). 

Go ahead, I promise the exertion is worth it. The answers might surprise you, they might not. But armed with the answers, you might find that you're either able to make some changes in your current job to make you more satisfied, or you'll be equipped with info for any interviews you line up!

You really can achieve the employment you want (and get paid for that toil to boot!) The process starts with focusing on these questions:

#1 Who? Who do you want to work with that you're not getting a chance to in your current workplace? 

Who do you want as a teammate for the hard work you want to accomplish?

Are you a Jr. Creative who wants to work with and have more direct mentorship from the Creative Director? Are you a pink-haired, punk whose workspace is covered in Star Wars figures and all your coworkers are beige clad, sensible heel wearing, squares? 

Are you a cabin boy who needs to learn the ropes? Literally? 

Would you prefer coworkers who were more like you? Do you want to start a business with folx who perform work and function in a way you understand?

At your current job, there might be simple ways to work closer to people you want to - but you need to ask for the opportunity.

Ask to be put on a project with that team or person. Raise your hand and ask for a mentorship with a particular manager. If there is no possible way to work with the people you want at your current position, make sure to ask yourself, specifically, why you want to work with them.

 Is it to learn, to feel more comfortable culturally? Great, know what type of people you want to work with and take that info with you to your next interview.

If you want to start your own business, gig, side-job and work with certain types of folx, make sure you can outline examples of who those people might be so that you can find them... and ask them.

#2 What? What do you want to be working on that you're not? 

Are you basically happy at your job but you just want to work on a different client within your accounts? That could be made possible with just a few conversations with your manager. 

If you want to sell monogrammed eye-patches or sassy shoulder parrots, but you're just a deck swabber? It might be time to move.

You want to make hamburgers but you work in a chocolate shop. Yeah - you need to  get that resume together and find new work.

Sit back and ask yourself exactly what work you want to be performing, what it is you want to be working on and why you want to be working on that specific thing.

Got the answers? Great. Let the hiring manager at your next interview know exactly what you would like to work on and that you're jumping ship for the opportunity to do it.

#3 Where? Where do you want to work? 

This isn't just physical location but what about the size and culture, of your current workplace isn't satisfying you? 

If it's a matter of you working out of the New York office but you would be happier in London - ask for a transfer. Did you make major life-changes during the pandemic and now need to be at a remote-first company? Do you need to be in person with your team to perform at your best?

Want to work in a small company but you're just one of the thousands? Do you want to work in a multinational corporation, but you share your boss' home office with one other employee? 

Knowing what size of the company you feel you make the most impact on is important - but not something everyone makes a point of considering when looking for new work. Size tends to also affect company culture.

 “Culture” isn't ping-pong tables, beer kegs, and jaunty sea shanty sing-alongs.

Culture is the way the company operates and treats its employees. It's how they work and in what ways they get things done.

If you want a younger-skewed, informal, non-profit, giving culture but you work as a bond trader in a blue blazer - it's definitely time for a move.

#4 When? Do you know for sure you're ready to jump ship?

You're 100% certain that you want to leave big-city life and go to work on a dairy farm? More power to ya! But just when do you want to do that? ASAP? After you have saved up a hefty money cushion? Before the next business quarter? 

Once you have a solid date, you can work back towards a clear exit strategy including networking, interviewing, and notice given.

Just as with anything in life, timing in your work is imperative. Especially when it comes to your energy. Do you have not only the time and inclination to do new work, but the energy too?

#5 Why? Back to the basic question. Why are you unhappy with your current job? Why do you want new work?

A little self-examination upfront can save you many tears spilled in the supply room (or off camera Zoom). 

If it's a matter of a majestically larger salary bump - go forth and jump. However, if you're fairly happy but need a little flexibility in hours due to childcare, talk to your manager. If something can't be worked out in your current situation to meet your needs, then yes. Jump.

If you know that it's time to leave, and it can be helped, don't jump to just the next available thing.

Once you've networked your way into an interview for another gig, use the answers to these questions strategically.

Make sure you interview the company, just as much as they are interviewing you. Make it a priority to ask who you'll be working with, what you'll be working on, and what the culture is really like. 

For true career happiness, knowing what particular ship you want to be on the crew of is key.

Happy working!

Yours in you can work happy goodness,

EB Sanders